Saturday, September 20, 2008
Lehman Brothers' financial free fall
M. Arif
Sr. Software Engineer
IBM India, New Delhi
Stand alone more harmful than stand jointly
Impact is so large that the Indian IT companies are again in back foot .Also results in slowdown of the share market which hampers the investors.
Adarsha Bose
International Institute of Information Technology
Black Monday - When millions hope died
The institution which used to inspire many professionals is now searching for inspiration. The assets worth 150bn $ got disappeared into thin air. Where all that money gone, this question worth billions dollars, so the treasure hunt begins, be a part of it.
Kapil Rajput
International Institute of Information Technology
Why did the Lehman Brothers Fell? Answers for you in Layman Language….

So the question is why US would have lent money to sub-primes? The answer is, during the period 2002 to 2007, the housing and property business was booming in US and property rates during these five years went double. Thus every major investment bank gave housing loans to sub-primes because they believed that the booming property rates will enable them to pay-back easily. Almost every major investment bank came up with a product for housing loans (even capped into mutual funds) to sub-primes. Investment in house mortgage was gigantic.
But after 2007, due to saturation of property market and increase in competition, property rates fell flat down. Entire scenario was heading towards a cold death. Inflation was rising, dollar was weakening and economy slowed down drastically. The sub-primes (largely consisting of poor people and young students) were unable to repay loans (which came with heavy interest rates due to the risk involved). Thus investment banks went straight to gallows. The combination of sub-prime lending, declining economy and inflation led to the downfall of Lehman brothers who were actually worst affected by this ongoing crisis.
Implications for India:
As they say, “when US sneezes, India and China catch cold”. Lehman Brothers demise will mostly affect the BFIS sector of India (the Banking, Finance, Insurance & Service sector). IT Companies like Infosys and TCS had Lehman Brothers and other Investment giants as their top clients. Surely lots of employees in BFIS sector and IT sector will be given Pink Slips. Students of IIM’s have something to worry about as Lehman Brothers used to come at Day zero of campus placements. Markets in India were already on a downfall & Lehman brothers case has made the matters worst. Things have changed even for Barclays and AIG as even their share prices have gone down. Budding MBA graduates should be ready for a slightly less pay-package ( if at all ) than previous year. Especially the heart goes out to the Indian IT sector which was the backend for all this US investment giants.
Tarun A. Raipure
Post Graduate Student, IsquareIT Pune
Guess who needs loans?
Anshul Saxena
Business Analyst
Spower Technologies, Bangalore
KK Kamal
AAO, LIC of India Mumbai
Tarique Sohail
Business Development
ITH, New Delhi
Why did the financing dry up?
Gurpreet Singh
IsquareIT, Pune